Hair Fillers


Hair Fillers

Our Hair Filler products are designed to treat common hair problems such as hair damage and hair loss. ODM Korea offers a product line consisting of only high-quality ingredients manufactured at the finest laboratories to maintain sterility and quality of the product. It comes in hermetically sealed ampules or vials depending on your brand’s vision.

Premium Hair Fillers

Our hair fillers are based on ODM Korea’s special formulation. They are produced with excellent raw materials and standardized manufacturing techniques. With the advancement of technology, we have invested in research and development to develop only the finest hair filler products in the market. Now, we can help you create your own product line with our ready-made collection of patented formulations. We guarantee that our hair fillers are safe and effective for various types or hair-related problems such as hair loss, hair damage, dull and frizzy hair.

Choose the best formula for your brand!


This hair filler formulation can be produced in ampules or vials, whichever you prefer depending on your brand’s design. Hair fillers infused with Vitamin Complex work best in restructuring the hair deep within its hair roots to restore the hair’s vitality and dullness resulting in more luscious and healthier hair.

Formulation: Vitamin Complex (Vitamins A, C, E, Vit. B Complex including Biotin)


This type of hair filler private label product has customizable formulation. A wide array of haircare and repair ingredients can be added to the formulation of your product line. Hair Fillers with Growth Factors are designed to revitalize the hair and repair damaged scalp to restore hair growth and ultimately prevent long-term hair loss. This product can be packaged in either ampules or vials depending on your brand’s design plan.

Formulation: Hyaluronic acid, Growth Factors, Peptides, Vitamin Complex, Amino acid Complex, Repair care ingredients

100% Made in Korea: Hair Filler Innovation

All of our products are certified Class III Medical Devices. We ensure your products are ready to market, guaranteeing smooth-sailing profits from our high-class and FDA-approved formulations.

We pride in our research and development team who has innovated our product formulation to cater to your business goals. We guarantee our products are 100% Made in Korea where safety and efficacy are highly regarded and prioritized. Our Korean-made Hair Fillers consist of excellent raw material quality; hence they are highly recognized to effectively alleviate hair damage, stimulate hair growth, restore hair texture from the roots to the tips resulting in more luscious and healthier hair.

High Quality Ingredients

Long Lasting Effects

Safe and Approved Fillers

Economical Design

We pride ourselves on the many excellent qualities our products possess. Among these qualities are high quality ingredients, long-lasting effects, affordable pricing, and regulatory approved for their safety and efficacy. Rest assured that your brand will prosper when you choose us for your private label medical device business.